The Safe-T-Rack Advantage – Increasing Safety and Savings



Safe-T-Rack Remote Racking systems continually dominate the electrical safety industry as the most versatile, effective, and innovative remote racking system on the market. When Safe-T-Rack’s patented lightweight Portable Kit (including a Motor Drive Unit, Handheld Controller, Batteries, and Communication Cord) pairs with a series of custom-designed Smart Drive Brackets, this single system is versatile enough to operate nearly any circuit breaker or other electrical equipment remotely – keeping operators safe and budgets reasonable.

Universal Remote Racking Systems by Remote Solutions LLC Entice Manufacturers toward Safe-T-Rack Products, Saving Money and Lives

When compared to the cost of building switchgear with inbuilt remote racking capabilities for each individual breaker or cubicle, Safe-T-Rack soars ahead of the competition in both ease of use and price point – making it a strong candidate for new switchgear builds, especially when bid specs call for remote racking equipment. For this reason, Safe-T-Rack excels as the premiere remote racking equipment available for any organization planning, implementing, or expanding their lineup of gear.

This same principal expands to OEMs and manufacturers, who embrace the Safe-T-Rack system as a resource and advantage in the bid process for switchgear. By quoting Safe-T-Rack’s universal remote racking systems on new bids, OEMs offer their customers additional value with reduced cost. It is much more enticing to quote a single Safe-T-Rack remote racking system – which can operate multiple breakers and other equipment using one Portable Kit – as opposed to quoting individual onboard remote racking options for each of the cubicles. This cost savings can be astronomical, especially for large builds and facilities with multiple lineups. The Safe-T-Rack Portable Kit and corresponding Smart Drive Brackets rings up at a fraction of the cost, when compared to equipping each individual piece of equipment with inbuilt remote racking capabilities.

Additionally, Safe-T-Rack’s universal remote racking system allows a facility to focus upkeep resources on a single system that will operate all of the required equipment – allowing for more streamlined maintenance and care, as opposed to tracking and navigating multiple inbuilt remote racking systems from a variety of manufacturers – which would result in extra maintenance and labor costs.

What’s next from Safe-T-Rack?

As a popular industry resource, the Safe-T-Rack remote racking system has gained attention and popularity in recent years, and in addition to the success of these versatile and portable systems, Remote Solutions LLC has developed an additional safety tool, specifically for use with SB switches and Open/Close buttons. The Safe-T-Flex wireless button and lever operator is the newest product from the Remote Solutions LLC team, and allows for increased flexibility, maneuverability, and ease of use – allowing users to operate equipment wirelessly from a safe distance.

Safe-T-Flex’s industry-leading, design* allows a single device to push buttons or turn levers, all without exposing the operator to risk of Arc Flash incidents. The device boasts an adjustable and a magnetic base that attaches to the cubicle or surrounding area, while the mechanized button-push and lever twisting device responds to a wireless handheld unit operated by a human, positioned at a safe distance.

This innovative device widens the field of remote capabilities offered by Safe-T-Rack products and increases the safety of employees and operators exponentially. Safe-T-Flex, like the universal remote racking system by Safe-T-Rack, applies to multiple use cases and allows companies to decrease spending while increasing safety, when purchasing a device that operates multiple cubicles, contactors, or breakers remotely.  

Learn more about Safe-T-Flex at the product page or contact the sales team today!

Saving Lives (and Budgets) with Safe-T-Rack Remote Racking Systems by Remote Solutions.

For the cost of the single system, a company can comply with required bid specs and adhere to budgets – without sacrificing employee safety. Learn more about the Safe-T-Rack remote racking systems and find the right application for your equipment today – or contact our sales team to learn more about how Safe-T-Rack can work to keep your team safe!

*Patent Pending. For more information, please visit: 

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The Safe-T-Rack Advantage – Increasing Safety and Savings

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