Remote Solutions has, for the last 16 years, been designing, engineering, and building safety equipment for remotely racking and operating breakers and switchgear. We have grown this local business from a modest shop, to having the ability to finally build our own state-of-the-art production facility located in Tucson, Arizona. This fact is important to us at Remote Solutions: We have been locally owned and operated since our inception. When more and more production is being sent overseas, we are proud to say that our product is made in America. This is our story, and this is our home. The people who have spent countless hours and sleepless nights making this dream a reality are our family. Because we care about our family, we’d like to introduce you to one of our members today.

Tammy Lambert is our Inside Sales Manager, dog mom to Dakota, Rally, and Brie, and the proud mother of Airman First Class Johnny Lambert. A1C Lambert is currently deployed overseas for his first time and working hard to establish his presence in the Airforce. He is Tammy’s only son. Through their frequent communications, letters, and calls, it is apparent that he is longing for comforts from home. But A1C Lambert is not resting on his laurels in his first long stint away from home.
A1C Lambert and his fellow airman, A1C Hayes have paired up to bring some comforts of home, and some necessities, to over 60 of their fellow troops. It’s no surprise that there is a lack of basic quality necessities when a soldier is stationed overseas. Things like decent soap, shampoo, shave kits, and pencils are some of the commodities in short supply where they are stationed and things that we take for granted here back home. These two Airmen are working together to bring a little of back-home feeling to their squadron. When A1C Lambert reached out to his mom with the idea of sending over some care packages, he asked if some of us at Remote Solutions would be interested in working together. Because we are like family, we knew we wanted to help. The Remote Solutions family is helping to provide some of the contents of the care packages, get them assembled and write letters to the squadron, so these soldiers can share in a little piece of home this Valentine’s Day. When asked about his motivation for doing this, A1C Lambert had this to say:
“The reason for doing this is to support those dealing with loaded work hours, Covid restrictions, and missed holidays. The goal is to boost morale and to let our Airmen know their work and time spent away from their families and friends and missing the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays is not for nothing. With Valentine’s Day approaching, I want to ensure that each and every one of them knows someone is thinking of them and appreciates their sacrifices.”

Every soldier is working for something when he/she deploys. Many of them aspire to go to school when they return home, others are saving for a family, but within each of them is a motivation to serve their country and take on challenges far away from home. Many of these challenges are in dangerous and life-threatening situations, so that we can maintain our comfortable lifestyles here in the United States.
We have been fortunate at Remote Solutions to pursue a dream of providing a safer work environment for hard working crews all over the country, and beyond. We know that our products have indeed saved lives. The people that we have kept from harm, were able to go home to their families at the end of their shift. What we haven’t forgotten is that we didn’t arrive at this position alone, and it was largely due to working together as a family that we have continued to grow and succeed. We have worked hard for what we’ve achieved at Remote Solutions, and we are proud of the safety products we produce. It is humbling to slow down and consider that one of our family members is with a squadron of soldiers who work long shifts in sometimes grueling and dangerous conditions, and who can’t easily get back home. These soldiers will spend months away from loved ones, and it is because of these devout soldiers that we have the freedoms to pursue our passions.

It’s our pleasure to make this very small gesture and to work with A1C Lambert on this project so that not even one more small holiday passes without some recognition from our family. We will gladly provide soap, shampoo, and pencils for these men and women, as these gestures are the least we can do to bring a little piece of home to our family members overseas. To the Airmen in the squadron, we say: Thank you! Thank you for your unwavering loyalty to this country. Thank you for choosing work that serves others beyond yourself. And thank you for your collected efforts to defend this beautiful country that each of us call home.